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1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Tiny Science!


Tiny tools—BIG Science! How small is the tiniest ball of slime you can make? Find out with this adorable miniature science lab that features precision lab instruments in a custom case. Mix up chemistry experiments in itty-bitty beakers. Peer at tiny specimens through the teeny-tiny magnifier. Weigh chocolate chips or a Cheerio on the tiny balance scale. The wonderfully small size makes it perfect for sleepovers or on-the-go science exploration adventures. The science activity book features 20 experiments that teach kids about acids and bases, CO2 production, microscopy, chemical reactions, polymers, non-Newtonian fluids, and more! 

Curated Just for Them

Need something mervelous for your best friend, your favorite colleague, or your hard-to-shop-for auntie? We'll handpick the perfect fits for a present that's sure to please.

Make It A Gift Box
Make It Your Own Bundle with Gift Box - Lockwood Shop - Lockwood

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