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+1 111 111 1111
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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

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1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

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1005 Langley St

Victoria, BC V8W 1V7

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

Circle of people wearing colorful socks


Fair Isle Winter Crew Socks - Pink - Lockwood Shop - Crescent Sock Company / World's Softest

Fair Isle Winter Crew Socks - Pink

Hang In There Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Hang In There Women's Sock

Hang in There Men's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Hang in There Men's Sock

Sushi Come, Sushi Go Men's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Sushi Come, Sushi Go Men's Sock

Meowdy Purrtner Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Meowdy Purrtner Women's Sock

Fine Wine Women's Sock - Red Heather - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Fine Wine Women's Sock - Red Heather

Bloody Good Drink Men's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Bloody Good Drink Men's Sock

The Dogtor is In Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

The Dogtor is In Women's Sock

Charcuterie Women's Sock - Green - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Charcuterie Women's Sock - Green

Cool Cats Club Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Cool Cats Club Women's Sock

Keep On the Sunny Side Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Keep On the Sunny Side Women's Sock

Banana Phone Women's Sock - Lockwood Shop - Socksmith

Banana Phone Women's Sock

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